I spent quite a bit of time playing with ChatGPT. One thing that is slowly getting under my skin is the passive-aggressive customer service tone of ChatGPT.
It reminded me of an episode in the Korean restaurant, where the waitress was teaching me how to eat soup or something; I don’t remember the details. And I knew how to eat the soup, but I just liked it my way, and I appreciated her. She wanted me to have the best experience.
And in the current culture (maybe American culture) this is the exception rather than the norm. Nobody would correct me if I make mistakes. And in some ways I like it, but on the other hand, how would I know if I am walking towards the cliff?
BTW if you want best food in any Asian restaurant look for 3 stars. And this ^ is why. They are getting down-voted for not having good service. But food is authentic.
Tags: #ChatGPT #CustomerService #PassiveAggressive #Culture #AmericanCulture #SoupEtiquette #EatingSoup #KoreanRestaurant #Cliff