I thought a bit about it. I want to work from home. Here are my reasons.
Nobody is going to pay me for the time in the commute. It does not feel too much, in my case, 40 min every day, but first, nobody is going to pay me for this 40 min; second, it is more than 40 min: you wake up, dress up, have a coffee, shower, brush your teeth, it is more than 40 min.
I may not have my desk next to the window, and I know; I requested a desk next to the window gazillion times, and the answer was always: I’m afraid we cannot do it for you. I like my desk next to the window, and I like to see a blue sky and a palm tree; it makes me feel good.
Chair. I have a suspicion somebody pays good money to someone or at least gives a good vacation to Hawaii, but the office chair is soooooooo uncomfortable. I was standing all the time, until, after multiple iterations, the facility found some old chair with stains on the seat, I could sit on.
Hardware. It is relatively easy to find desks and office chairs. But even at home, it takes multiple iterations to get the perfect match for hardware: keyboard, mouse, screens your PC. In an office situation, this is almost an impossible task.
I like Zoom meetings; sometimes, I can just run the meeting in the background and continue to do my work. Back in the office, sometimes I was taking a laptop to meetings, but it’s more comfortable to work on big screens and a full-size ergonomic keyboard.
Cafe food gives me diarrhea.