I asked ChatGPT to make jokes about the Roman Empire:

  1. The only time I think about the Roman Empire is when I’m trying to remember if it came before or after dinosaurs.
  2. Thinking about the Roman Empire is like flossing: I know I should do it more often, but life just gets in the way.
  3. The Roman Empire fell, but at least they didn’t have to deal with group chats.
  4. The real reason Rome fell? Too many gladiators calling in sick.
  5. If Rome had YouTube, their tutorials would all be ‘How to Build an Empire and Lose It in 3 Easy Steps.’
  6. If Rome had emojis, their favorite would be the thumbs up—just like the gladiator matches!
  7. If Rome had text messaging, Caesar would’ve received a lot of ‘Watch your back’ DMs.
  8. If Rome had food delivery apps, every order would come with a free side of ‘bread and circuses.’
  9. If Rome had TikTok, all the gladiators would be doing sword dance challenges in front of the Coliseum.
  10. If Rome had customer service, every complaint about invasions would get the response: ‘We’re expanding our coverage, please be patient.’

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