🌸 Thu, Feb 1, 2024 🌸
I noticed a habit when I am using the terminal: deliberately, I do not type the last character of the command and press tab to be sure I did not make any typos in the command name.
🌸 Thu, Feb 1, 2024 🌸
The threshold of human hearing corresponds to air vibrations on the order of a tenth of an atomic diameter. Incredible!
There is an interesting video about word embeddings from computerphile; I wonder if we can make a word game based on it. One of the ideas computer gives you 2 words and you need to get from one word to another by adding and subtract…
I had an interesting dream where an ironing board and steam from the iron were used to make hi-hat sounds.
I found the WPM metrics to be kind of odd; it should be characters per minute at least.
Life hack: to get faster on Twitter, instead of typing twitter.com, you can type x.com; it is 6 characters shorter.
The device that can listen to the universe and hear merging black holes, LIGO, is capable of detecting a change in distance between its mirrors 1/10,000th the width of a proton!
BTW, we have a solution for global warming that we’ve had for ~50 years: nuclear power plants. They are cheap and reliable. But for some reason, people think making more nuclear bombs is better.
73 F (23 C) I like it Picasso.
Recent layoffs in the tech and gaming industry have significantly impacted several major companies. For instance, Microsoft announced 1,900 layoffs, Riot Games 530, Unity 1,800, Twitch 500, and Epic Games 800, among others.
This situation has led me to reassess my perspective on…
There is a great principle called DRY (don’t repeat yourself). Comments in the code violate that principle. Seriously, I mean it.
I wish if YouTube had the option to limit videos by no longer than 5 minutes in autoplay. It has a tendency to be stuck in 5-hour long compilation videos or even worse, never-ending live videos.
What was a design decision to make the click in DAWs tonal, IMO it is distracting.
Such basic functionality; I just cannot memorize it. Every time I am messing with markdown, I need to disable auto-fill-mode
. I am going to put it here so that next time I can look it up here.
3 days ago, I started doing resistance exercises. I managed to do 6 push-ups; the next day, I was so sore that I could not do anything. Yesterday, I did 10 push-ups, and now I am in pain again. 😂
Just to make you feel slightly better: it is normal to have 200 unfinished projects with 5 of them in active development.
Lies are everywhere: 15" CRT screen is actually smaller, 1TB hard drive is actually 70GB smaller, 5% annual interest rate is actually 5.12%.
TIL: Michelin, the tire company, is the same company that gives Michelin stars to restaurants. 😲
I asked my Muslim friend to pray for me. Maybe this is the hack to switch my life from hard mode to easy mode. I was asking my Christian God, it did not work. So as the true scientist I am, I’m playing with the variables 😜 At this point I don’t want to learn how to fish, I nee…
Sometimes ABBA ratatouille me back in time. In the time when I was a 10-year-old kid and listening to ABBA on the cheap cassette player with the bad speed controller, wobbly tune, and a full 50 Hz buzz in the background.
TLDR; let’s implement a message queue in Java, oh wait GC is too slow; let’s save data to files instead.
Why not just use a better language (khm, C++)?
Two days of rain in a row mean that it is two days of the weekend you decided not to stare at the screen and go touch the grass. ☔
I was watching some videos that explained the quantum many world interpretation. TLDR; there is no collapse of the wave function, but rather a bigger world that is always in a superposition. 🤔
TODO comments in your source code are most likely not going to be addressed. TODOs in the source code are invisible; your producer won’t see them, nor will most of your colleagues. If you want to make TODOs work, you need a tool that will extract them from the code and bug you to…
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