🌸 Thu, Dec 28, 2023 🌸

voidSTAR game concept


In “voidSTAR,” you play as Nova Sterling, the pilot of the spacecraft Endeavour, on a routine cargo mission from Earth to a distant planet near the star 61 Cygni. However, after an unexpected encounter with a wormhole created by the mysterious v

🌸 Wed, Dec 27, 2023 🌸

“Stranded on a desolate planet in Void STAR, your only hope is a surviving Linux terminal. Harness your C++ skills to rewrite software, repair crucial hardware, and escape the void. Will you code your wa

🌸 Tue, Dec 26, 2023 🌸

Here is an exercise to find your passion in life. Imagine you have an infinite amount of money; what would you do? Personally, I would travel and build a Metaverse from hotel rooms.

🌸 Tue, Dec 26, 2023 🌸

Is ‘fart’ short for ‘fine art’? Asking for a friend.

🌸 Tue, Dec 26, 2023 🌸

Why do good ideas come in the shower, and as soon as you leave the shower, they all disappear?

🌸 Tue, Dec 26, 2023 🌸

There is a Russian saying: ‘7 times Ctrl-C, one time Ctrl-V’

(disclaimer: I just made it up).

🌸 Tue, Dec 26, 2023 🌸

TIL; the father of Moore’s Law, Gordon Moore, is the co-founder and emeritus chairman of Intel Corporation. 🤯

🌸 Tue, Dec 26, 2023 🌸


Good read. I am fully in agreement that the code review culture has a huge problem, and we need to address it somehow. I don’t think pair programming and TDD are going to be the sole solution to the problem; I think we need some hea

🌸 Mon, Dec 25, 2023 🌸

It is almost 2024. Patiently waiting for:

import std;
auto main() -> int { std::println("Hello, World!"); }


🌸 Mon, Dec 25, 2023 🌸

Do you remember doing auto i = 0U to be nice to the C++ compiler? Now you can do auto i = 0Z to be even nicer. [C++23].

🌸 Sun, Dec 24, 2023 🌸

Every time I need to Google; why not the old familiar M_PI?

#include <numbers>


🌸 Sun, Dec 24, 2023 🌸

I am thinking about what game to implement next as a practice using RICS-V VM. I was thinking of Space Invaders in 3D, but it currently does not feel appealing; maybe zombies? A lot of zombies instead of aliens?

🌸 Sun, Dec 24, 2023 🌸

I learned the hard way that exceptions are expensive. I was doing a bunch of tests with the RISC-V VM and gave it a budget of 60K instructions/sec. Then I started testing exceptions, and nothing was happening. It looked like it is taking a lot of time to unwind the stack.

🌸 Sat, Dec 23, 2023 🌸

One thing that has bothered me lately: what happened with DEC computers? The common story is that the IBM PC had an open architecture. But things don’t match. DEC computers were not as closed as it was claimed, and IBM PC computers were not as open as it was claimed. Maybe price?

🌸 Fri, Dec 22, 2023 🌸

I want to find an empty box from PS5 and troll all couples in the mall. Not that I have a PS5, but let the boys think about what they’re losing being in relationships.

🌸 Thu, Dec 21, 2023 🌸

Cookie Law feels like a mistake. Can we reiterate on it or potentially cancel it? Also, Proposition 65 and Daylight Saving Time, please.

🌸 Thu, Dec 21, 2023 🌸

I prefer gradients and shadows on buttons - fake 3D; but I am okay if you are a flat designer 😜

🌸 Thu, Dec 21, 2023 🌸

I am going to say, ‘I really like Honeymoon Avenue by Ariana Grande.’ So good.

🌸 Thu, Dec 21, 2023 🌸

Do I understand the situation correctly? Someone discovered that if you spam-click the like button, Twitter will sometimes double-count likes; so everyone started trying to test it and crashed Twitter?

🌸 Wed, Dec 20, 2023 🌸

Did Twitter just crash?

🌸 Wed, Dec 20, 2023 🌸

Do you remember thinking why I needed to learn that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell? And you thought it was a waste of tax money; I think we didn’t learn enough because now we have all these anti-vaxxers and flat earthers. You would think it’s harmless, but it’s causin

🌸 Wed, Dec 20, 2023 🌸

It has been raining for two days straight. Just saying.

🌸 Tue, Dec 19, 2023 🌸

I switched from llama 2 to vicuna for my offline LLM task. I did not run any objective benchmarks, but subjectively it feels better.

🌸 Tue, Dec 19, 2023 🌸

I really like that ChatGPT suggests ‘Seek Professional Support.’ I am the professional support.

🌸 Tue, Dec 19, 2023 🌸

Oh, my goodness! It takes forever to install the Christmas Tesla update 2023.44.30.2. I am only at 60%.

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