🌸 Sun, Dec 10, 2023 🌸

What happened with the Turing test? For years, it was accepted as the bar to declare whether artificial intelligence is the same as human intelligence. Suddenly, it became not good enough, and I can’t find any proposed alternatives. Why did this happen?

🌸 Sat, Dec 9, 2023 🌸

Tabs, spaces, 2 spaces, 4 spaces, Egyptian style, CamelCase, snake_case; I have my preferences, but I am not going to argue, just give me .clang-format.

🌸 Fri, Dec 8, 2023 🌸

I’m screwed; my terminal froze.

🌸 Fri, Dec 8, 2023 🌸

I didn’t play it; can you explain what the appeal is with Baldur’s Gate 3? I just didn’t like the character design; they all look so creepy.

🌸 Fri, Dec 8, 2023 🌸

Why in movies do protagonists always park their cars in the middle of the road? Why don’t they go to the curb?

🌸 Fri, Dec 8, 2023 🌸

My laptop fan is dying; as a modern society citizen, I tried to find a replacement part and failed. So I drowned fans in WD-40, I put so much that it was dripping; wiped off everything. It works fine so far.

🌸 Fri, Dec 8, 2023 🌸

Some of the old-timers probably know that I am dreaming of building a metaverse (aka Mikaverse or Naypea). I was thinking where players could host their games, and I think I have got the idea. They can publish games on the git; I need to figure out how to put a git client inside

🌸 Thu, Dec 7, 2023 🌸

I like Emacs; I wish it were slightly faster, though.

🌸 Thu, Dec 7, 2023 🌸

Studies show that people with long hair, on average, are half a pound heavier than those with short hair.

This is an unfunny joke pointing out that hair has a weight.

🌸 Mon, Dec 4, 2023 🌸

Are you good at finding laptop parts? I put all of the Internet upside down. I need to find a replacement cooling system for my laptop: CLEVO 6-31-PC503-102.

🌸 Mon, Dec 4, 2023 🌸

I cannot figure out how to print -n with echo. Even ChatGPT does not know. The closest what is suggested is printf -- "-n\n".

After reading the manual, I came up with this monstrosity: echo -e "\x2Dn".

🌸 Mon, Dec 4, 2023 🌸

Blender plugin SendToUE is great. I wonder if we have something that would do it in the other way around, select the mesh in UE and open a Blender file corresponding to the mesh.

🌸 Thu, Nov 30, 2023 🌸

It’s raining. Just saying.

🌸 Sat, Nov 25, 2023 🌸

I used to be a guy who thought that if I had a perfect environment around me, I would rock-n-roll. Perfect height of the table, ergonomic keyboard, perfect text editor, compiler, some productivity tools, figure out the perfect way to write the software; all these programming patt

🌸 Wed, Nov 15, 2023 🌸

Why buying assets from the asset store for your game is considered a negative thing? Why is it a consideration? If the game isn’t fun to play, it’s not fun to play even if you made all the assets yourself.

I’m making a common mistake and reading reviews of my game. 😢

🌸 Wed, Nov 15, 2023 🌸

If we all stopped buying what was advertised, companies would stop advertising because it doesn’t work. Should we do it?

Honestly, ads are getting really annoying. I won’t put any advertisements in my games, and I won’t spend any money to advertise my games.

🌸 Wed, Nov 15, 2023 🌸

I have just got an ad on my Amazon Echo. I want to throw it in the window.

🌸 Wed, Nov 15, 2023 🌸

It’s raining again. Just saying.

🌸 Tue, Nov 14, 2023 🌸

Windows 11’s taskbar is bad. If I have more than one Chrome window, I need to make two clicks to switch to one of them. Every extra click adds up. There are no visual indicators that I have multiple Chrome windows. I can use Alt+Tab, but I am talking about the taskbar. Also, it i

🌸 Mon, Nov 13, 2023 🌸

If your item was stolen and the police were not able to resolve the crime, the government should return sales tax you paid for the item. My reasoning is that we pay taxes for schools, roads, fire departments, and police. If the police cannot do their job, we should get money back

🌸 Mon, Nov 13, 2023 🌸

How come ‘Using paper is killing trees’ shifted to ‘using paper is saving turtles’? (khm paper straws)

🌸 Sun, Nov 12, 2023 🌸

Senior software engineers don’t cringe at bad code.

🌸 Sun, Nov 12, 2023 🌸

Luke, use Git!

🌸 Fri, Nov 10, 2023 🌸

I had suspected something fishy with my new Apple Magic Touchpad. I checked the polling rate, and it was only 100 Hz. Apple, why? All this month, I thought something was wrong with my fingers. Why are you saving pennies on a $150 product? I know why. You hate your customers.

🌸 Thu, Nov 9, 2023 🌸

Steam Deck has made my life so much easier. If I need to figure out how to run a game on my Linux box, I just simply Google ‘Steam Deck’ and the game name, e.g., ‘Steam Deck Roblox.’

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