🌸 Sat, May 20, 2023 🌸

Food cooked in the YouTube video should be tasted in the same video.

🌸 Fri, May 19, 2023 🌸

I think I have Long COVID; on Sundays I’m just hibernating the whole day. I’m going to visit the doctor and see if they can help.

🌸 Thu, May 18, 2023 🌸

I want to switch my motto or lifestyle from “Better to be safe than sorry” to “Do first and ask for forgiveness”. I think the latter one is more productive.

🌸 Wed, May 17, 2023 🌸

Tools are trying to be helpful by changing line endings on me. Please don’t do it, and treat all files as binary files.

🌸 Wed, May 10, 2023 🌸

4 days of my shitposting have gone from my website, and I take full responsibility. Lesson for me: do not SSH to your pet projects from the office.

🌸 Thu, May 4, 2023 🌸

The COVID-19 pandemic has just started and I had a dry cough. I was pretty sure it was a nocebo effect, but even knowing it wasn’t helping, at some point it was so bad that I had to constantly mute myself on the streams. And you know when my cough stopped? After I got my first va…

🌸 Wed, May 3, 2023 🌸

I am wondering what percentage of people are actually self-motivated. It is frustrating to see that everything in the work environment is designed around control, key performance indicators, and essentially making sure workers are constantly monitored. I do not mind being monitor…

🌸 Mon, May 1, 2023 🌸

I am stepping into the world of diet, as I am trying to figure out which foods are low in fructose or have a balanced amount of fructose and glucose. It is a total mess, as all websites seem to contradict each other. ChatGPT is also confused, I assume because it was trained on th…

🌸 Mon, May 1, 2023 🌸

I finished my coffee and had some oranges. I listened to music and danced. Now I am going to focus on my work.

🌸 Sun, Apr 30, 2023 🌸

Because of an imbalance of power between employees and supervisors (employees' financial situation depends on whether they will have a job the next day or not), supervisors must be extremely explicit in their requests. For example, if a supervisor sees an employee is sick, they s…

🌸 Fri, Apr 28, 2023 🌸

Chrome refuses to update. It is not the first time.

<html>Package download failed:<br/><br/>E: http://apt.pop-os.org/proprietary jammy/main amd64 google-chrome-stable amd64 112.0.5615.165-1 is not (yet) available (File has unexpected size (93863956 != 93992344). Mirror sync ...

🌸 Thu, Apr 27, 2023 🌸

Every once in a while, my mind replays the moment back in Russia when I got an F on the physics exam and the professor said, “What are you doing here? Go back to your village.” He said it because I am Asian, and he made assumptions based on my appearance. I don’t blame him; the s…

🌸 Thu, Apr 27, 2023 🌸

I was wondering what the heck “lorder” is, like “little lord” or something; it appeared to be “i order”.

🌸 Wed, Apr 26, 2023 🌸

I like the feel I get from wearing reading glasses; it gives everything a cinematic look. I have never been nearsighted, so the background has never been blurry. When I wear reading glasses, the background is blurry and it gives me a feeling like I am in some fancy movie.

🌸 Wed, Apr 26, 2023 🌸

I learned roughly 30% of people have some sort of intolerance to fructose, and it looks like my body reacts quite badly to fructose. My current solution is to minimize the amount of sugar in my diet. As I learned glucose is fine, it would be nice to be able to know how much gluco…

🌸 Tue, Apr 25, 2023 🌸

I cannot shake the feeling that THIS emote ÊŒ (usually it is an animated caret symbol, or an arrow pointing up with “this” words underneath, or just “THIS TBH”) is slightly offensive. Talk me out of it.

🌸 Tue, Apr 25, 2023 🌸

The Twitter algorithm was open-sourced about a month ago, and it had been active for a while; I saw a couple of pull requests were merged, but currently I see the last commit was two weeks ago. I am assuming the best of intentions, but it does not look good not having any commits…

🌸 Mon, Apr 24, 2023 🌸

I am testing the game in different languages and Russian worked perfectly; I switched to French and the controllers stopped working. It doesn’t make any sense. Do controllers speak English to consoles, or do I need to make the controller speak French now?

🌸 Fri, Apr 21, 2023 🌸

Guys, let’s start paying attention to what the government is doing. I’ve only touched the tip of the iceberg and it is completely messed up. We should fix it.

🌸 Fri, Apr 21, 2023 🌸

TIL; a whole new word: “lane”. I used to call it “line” before.

🌸 Thu, Apr 20, 2023 🌸

I think Notch wanted to make Factoria, but accidentally made Minecraft

🌸 Thu, Apr 20, 2023 🌸

Here is a thought from Elon Musk that I found while browsing Twitter. I’m going to rephrase it a little, but the idea is: when developing a new technology, initially target it as something luxurious for wealthy people. The point is that the new technology is not yet polished or o…

🌸 Wed, Apr 19, 2023 🌸

Now I have gotten Elon’s joke about him being an alien. I was an alien also for 6 years until I got my US passport.

🌸 Wed, Apr 19, 2023 🌸

I thought about how we can fix healthcare in the US. I think the first step should be banning insurance institutions. Insurance essentially is gambling based on human fear, and only insurance companies are winning in this setup. Additionally, it inflates prices.

🌸 Tue, Apr 18, 2023 🌸

Yeee… TyePodDog is back to life. Long live TyePodDog!

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