๐ŸŒธ Wed, Jul 17, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

I had a leftover syringe and I closed the hole and pulled the plunger. It created some force from the atmospheric pressure. It made me think about why we are using metal weights for heavy lifting exercises. We could use vacuum instead. I searched on the internet and found only on

๐ŸŒธ Tue, Jul 16, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

Check out the book “The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress” by Robert A. Heinlein, published in 1966. It’s about a supercomputer that achieves self-awareness. I believe that book would blow up today, given all the advancements in AI.

๐ŸŒธ Mon, Jul 15, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

Yesterday, I barely managed to get to bed at 2 AM; it was too hot, my body was itching, the LED lights were bothering me, the smells, just everything was distracting me from sleeping. Anyway, good morning.

๐ŸŒธ Sun, Jul 14, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

Good morning, world.

๐ŸŒธ Sat, Jul 13, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

Good morning, world.

๐ŸŒธ Sat, Jul 13, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

It is 1 AM here. I am out.

๐ŸŒธ Fri, Jul 12, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

It’s a bit frustrating to debug some issues and search on the Internet and on forums, some people are writing, “I have exactly the same issue, but the error message is different.” Dude, you have a different issue!

๐ŸŒธ Thu, Jul 11, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

I believe one of the main problems in modern America is the dominance of corporations. Corporations often strip away the individuality and responsibility of people, leading to actions that are morally questionable, all in the name of profit. While my proposed solution is gradual,

๐ŸŒธ Thu, Jul 11, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

Game developers and writers often view time travel mechanics as overly powerful, necessitating artificial limitations. For instance, you might be unable to save a deceased parent. While such restrictions make sense in literature, they feel constraining in games. Take Life is Stra

๐ŸŒธ Thu, Jul 11, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

The code cout << "Hello World\n"; is part of the C++ standard, and C++ has grown a lot over the years. For new streaming functionality, let’s start doing function calls with comma-separated parameters, like log("Hello World", 123);.

๐ŸŒธ Wed, Jul 10, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

The world just dropped the frame, but I’m not in VR. That’s strange.

๐ŸŒธ Wed, Jul 10, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

One downside of your game becoming extremely popular is that you might feel confined to the universe you created. Players will eagerly demand more content from that gameโ€”sequels, DLCs, and so on. Personally, I want the freedom to create multiple game universes.

๐ŸŒธ Tue, Jul 9, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

Once John F. Kennedy said:

We set sail on this new sea of virtual worlds because there are new joys to be discovered, and new benefits to be won, and they must be won and used for the happiness of all people. For computer games, like all forms of technology, have no conscience o

๐ŸŒธ Tue, Jul 9, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

I like to contract words in my C++ code, e.g., cmd instead of command, args instead of arguments, but some words I am so used to typing in full that if I decide to contract them, it makes it slower for me to type, even though it is fewer keystrokes.

๐ŸŒธ Tue, Jul 9, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

Hey! I feel one and a half days of rest helped. Let’s start another marathon!

๐ŸŒธ Mon, Jul 8, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

I’ll take a break today from game dev. I was quite a good run about 7 weeks, every day for 12 hours, I had one day break, went to the camp ground. And now I’ve hit the wall. I assume just over the year my stamina has gotten low, hopefully next run would be longer.

๐ŸŒธ Mon, Jul 8, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

Three weeks ago, I began working while standing, which has significantly alleviated my chest pain, likely a lingering effect of long COVID. However, maintaining an 85-hour work week as I had planned is proving to be unsustainable. Yesterday, I hit a wall and ended up spending the

๐ŸŒธ Mon, Jul 8, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

I am struggling with Visual Studio 2015 for almost 2 weeks. And I made up my mind: it is a piece of garbage.

In particular, I am trying to set up a new configuration in the configuration manager, and sometimes it just tells you it cannot do something for some reason, and then st

๐ŸŒธ Mon, Jul 8, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

I believe college in the US is a waste of time and money. I have an MS in physics and engineering, and I got it for free in Russia. And I recommend that way. College in the US is too expensive and does not provide enough knowledge and skills for the money and time you and your pa

๐ŸŒธ Mon, Jul 8, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

I really like the AD feature on Netflix. It is subtitles for blind people; they have an additional audio track that describes what is happening visually. And if I feel FOMO about some TV show, I can put it in the background and listen to the show and do some useful things that do

๐ŸŒธ Fri, Jul 5, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

Is the 1st Newton’s law of motion just a special case of the 2nd one?

๐ŸŒธ Wed, Jul 3, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

Do you play online games? Why do you play online games? Do you use online features of the game? I’m asking because I’m trying to understand what’s appealing in online games. I play Overwatch and VRChat, but in WoW or Diablo, they’re technically online games, I play solo.

๐ŸŒธ Mon, Jul 1, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

HTML5 was a bad idea years ago; it is a worse idea now. Let’s go native. Discord constantly eats 4% (used to be 15%) of one of my CPU core; it should be near to 0. I periodically need to refresh X.com page because it becomes super unresponsive over time. It takes forever to withd

๐ŸŒธ Mon, Jul 1, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

PureRef is a great little tool, but lately I’ve realized I just paste images directly into Blender. I use a plugin called ImagePaste. Plus, grease pencil.

๐ŸŒธ Mon, Jul 1, 2024 ๐ŸŒธ

The many-worlds interpretation implies that if you go and buy a lottery ticket, there is a 100% chance of winning the lottery. It’s just that you are most likely to end up in the universe where you did not win.

But I am wondering, should I go and buy the ticket just to make anot

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